
Rory Phillips interview

As mentioned before, Rory Phillips is going to spin in Athens this March 19th. So, here are some words from him.

What do you remember from you last apperance in Athens, back in 2008?
There was a very strange swimsuit fashion show and then a great dance party. I really enjoyed playing and it was great to hear Amateurboyz's set too, we share a lot in common musically.

You are a veteran of the club scene. Tell me 2 crazy stories from your club action.
The craziest will go with me to my deathbed but i'll never forget The Coachwhips arriving at Trash at 1am with all of their equipment, setting up in the corner unannounced and launching into the loudest set i've ever heard a band play without a PA

How would you describe the London club scene over the last years? Do you see new things bursting out or is it just repetition? Any favorite club nigths?
There's always new things if you avoid the hype, i'd like to see more good new bands rather than the glut of DJs we have right now though. There's been lots of fun, small, sweaty parties in East London over the last year or so and the disco revival has meant people are actually dancing again rather than stage diving.

I loved your remix of "High Pressure Days". Tell me a little bit about that. Did you get to meet Units?
Thanks. It came about after i interviewed them for Erol Alkan's site after they emerged on MySpace after years of silence and nobody knowing how to get hold of them, Scott Ryser from the band checked out my stuff and asked if i wanted to remix High Pressure Days. It was a pretty daunting task as it's a record i've loved for years and was a definite anthem when we were doing Our Disco at Plastic People. I've had a lot of communication with Scott and he was very complimentary about the remix but haven't got to meet them yet.

How did you feel to see you name at Juno's no1 spot?
Pleased and puzzled.

2009 was a busy year for you. Any plans for 2010?
We're doing a Durrr party alongside our friends from New York, Fixed, in Miami for Winter Music Conference. Aeroplane, Holy Ghost and Classixx are all confirmed so it's looking great, and we are co-hosting an Easter bash with Bugged Out in London. I'm working on remixes for Munk and Factory Floor, who are one of my favourite London bands, and i'm hoping to have a few original releases finished before the year is through.

When did you last speak to Erol Alkan? What's he been up to?
He's a good friend so not too long ago. He's locked in the studio working on the Beyond The Wizards Sleeve album.

Name 3 tracks you are definately going to play in Athens.
I have visions of people with little bingo cards waiting for certain tracks now. I can't guarantee I'll play them but Tensnake's 'Coma Cat', my remix of The Golden Filter and Mustang's 'Try To Dance' will be coming with me.

5 Best albums ever and why.
You love the numerical questions! It's impossible to list though as it changes all the time.

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