
Google shuts down music blogs without warning

If you have a blog, this is sth you need to read: Google has gone a step too far regarding it's rule over blogspot.com. It deleted 6 (or more) music blogs that have been around for some years now, without even a warning. By deleting, I mean totally erased. So, if you please, become acquainted with the term "musicblogocide 2010" .

It's A Rap, I Rock Cleveland, Masala, Pop Tarts, To Die By Your Side and Living Ears are blogs that (used to) write about mainly obscure music and post mp3s of the bands. As everybody on the planet (except Google) knows, this used to be sth the music industry hated a while back, but then the music industry woke up from its years-long hybernation and realised that blogs is where you plant the seeds for many new genres (and more). So, over the last 2 years (give or take), even majors have been using blogs as a new music platform, by providing them with promo mp3s and giving them paid adverts, etc. And not to mention, music blogs have gone on and even hosted their own tents in important festivals.

The interesting aspect of "musicblogoside 2010" is that Google went ahead on it's own to delete the blogs, because they were "violating Blogger's Terms of Service". Meaning that Google had no request from record labels to erase these blogs. Moreover, the record labels have been providing these mp3s to the blogs for promotion purposes.
In the same manner, Google has been sending some blog owners copyright violation notices for songs that they were legally entitled to post.
Google people have clearly been missing the point, by taking themselves too seriously. In at least one case, they have even asked the blog of a band to take down it's own song!!!

As these incredible things have been causing a worldwide stir among bloggers, Google went on to state that "When we receive multiple DMCA complaints about the same blog, and have no indication that the offending content is being used in an authorised manner, we will remove the blog" and that the erased-blogs owners should file a DMCA counter-claim.

Till now, Friday 12th, the mentioned blogs remain unavailable.

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