
Jonquil interview

Jonquil make music that makes melancholy sound so pleasing. They have sent us a few words on their favourite records ever.

My top10 albums ever by Jonquil

(in no particular order)
Tortoise - Standards. This record got me interested in production. I would listen to it incredibly intently, trying to work out what was guitar, what was synth, what was drum machine, what was drumkit... It just all melds into one. Its the perfect melding of organic and electronic i think.
El Perro Del Mar - S/T. I am on a crusade to get this album more recognised. It might be one track too long, but everything here makes me shiver with excitment.
The Microphones - The Glow pt.2. Hearing this made me form Jonquil. Literally, I heard this record, and though, I want to do that. I still marvel at this album, as a feat of amazing skill.
Bjork - Vespertine. This is far and away the best thing Bjork has ever done. When it came out, it was
incredibly exciting for m, because i was a huge Matmos fan, and their influence is all over this album, but with some of the best melodies that electronic music has ever seen!
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go / Ease Down The Road. I can't decide which of these albums I prefer, so maybe they should both be here! The Letting Go is so well sequenced, and it has the most amazing string arrangments. I'm pretty obsessed with Will Oldham, and Ease Down The Road was the first album of his that I really got into, and i got into it in a big way.
Neil Young - Prarie Wind. This is one of his most recent albums (earlier this decade I think), but I genuinely think its his best. Here for You is the song that bands like Calexico have always wanted to write. It affects me so much, and I think that a huge part of that is the admiration I have for Neil Young, and his history. He is someone to really look up to.
Nico - Chelsea Girls. I could listen to this album repeatedly for ever. It has the elements of the Velvet Underground that I love so much, but also the lush-ness that VU lacked so much.
Quasimoto - The Unseen. A record that is literally all about smoking weed and listening to music. 'Yo Madlib, why do you waste so much money on records and getting high? Yo I ain't got no time for this silly shit, throw this record on, pack a bong, take a hit.'
Stars Of The Lid - Avec Laudenem. I often go to sleep listening to this. many happy memories...
Radiohead - Kid A. This record changed everything, and I can thank it for opening up a world of music I had never encountered, and as such, all of the above.

What would you like to take with you from 2008
Slowing learning how to be in a band.

What would you like to leave behind from 2008 Education. I finished university in
2008, and that was the best thing that happened that year. Also, I/we are leaving behind all the music we played for the whole of 2008, which is a good feeling.

what do you expect from 2009
Maybe getting a proper job, moving house, and touring a lot.

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