

10.01 στο Yoga Bala το DirtySoundSystem. Εκ της d-i-r-t-y , με πιο πρόσφατο δημιούργημα που βγαίνει τον Ιανουάριο το:
Discodeine - Tom Select (EP) ( όπου Discodeine = Benjamin Morando + Pilooski)


1.How did everything start with the DIRTY collective? What was the main philosophy and the idea behind it?
guillaume : we met around ten years ago while working for a big TV company in france, at some point we stopped working for the same company but we decided to keep on working together as we shared the same vision on music, medias etc..

2.What would you answer to someone who might say that "DIRTY is an eclectic bunch of weird taste makers who are into music elitism and they miss the point of having a good time with good records"?
guillaume : honestly i don't know if we would answer something ! we don't feel beeing elist taste makers or music specialists. we're music lovers, food addicts, party people and so much more but we honestly never miss the point of having a good time, even with bad records !
clovis: I know that nowadays music must be cool and cheesy and it does't matter that there was a musical history before Kanye West. Fuck the people who enjoy music that way! Music is just like life: hard and complex. We love the same way Brian Eno and The Carpenters. It's just eclectism and not elitism....

3.Being both related to music journalism what is your favorite music magazine today and which one you have enjoyed most in the past?
guillaume : my favourite music magazine for the past years must be butt magazine, the music press is usually editorially quite poor, especially in france... the only music magazines i usually read are mojo, uncut and sometimes wax poetics. i get connected with new music on the web, on blogs or music webzines....
clovis: today: Arthur (amazing free newspaper from california), yesterday: les inrockuptibles

4.Which are you favorite record shops and your favorite places in Paris ?
guillaume : i'm afraid there's not much record stores anymore in paris... if you visit the city you should definitly check a nice one called "born bad", it's based in the 12 area (rue keller) and specialised in garage / psycho / synth punk... a walk in the "baugrenelle"
area is also recommended, it's a very beautiful / vintage / futuristic area.
clovis: yes "Born Bad" is the best record shop, and you can find good old records at good prices at Parallèles (47 rue st honoré) where there is also a very nice selection of books.

5.How do you spend a normal day in Paris?
guillaume : i usually get up very early, drink a lot of coffee, buy some ingredients for future meals, have a walk in the "bois de vincenne", skateboard with my kids and spend a lot of time online or reading books. i work, eventually.
clovis: i usually get up very late, drink a lot of beers, buy some drugs for futur parties, have a walk "rue saint denis" to find a prostitute, then skateboard with her and eventually work when i come home.

6.Which is the party you have enjoyed most the last two years? Do you think that djing, especially with your style (which you have admit that is more than choosing the right tunes rather than professional djing) is the most overpaid job you have done in you life?
guillaume : i think the parties we enjoy the most are private but we had great time in istanbul last time we played there.... travelling, meeting cool people and partying will always be an overpaid job eventhough we got a little better technically...
clovis: we also had a good time in Barcelona thelast Sonar...

7. Begin' was a breakthrough record. Re edits became a world wide passion for djs. What did you felt when the whole thing happened? How much did Pilooski's success help your label and your team?
guillaume : to be honest beggin is not, to our opinion, the best thing we released... i think the edit thing was a good way for pilooski
to show his production skills and a good way for us to release some cool and underrated tracks. we (pilooski and us) don't want to be
trapped in any formula and the edit thing tends to become one so our next projects (discodeine, new compilations..) will be slightly different i guess...
clovis: One day we'll explain the story of "Beggin'", funny and a real revelator of how music is working today...

8.What is bad music?
guillaume : the badness in music is endless and really subjective so in my opinion there's no point in giving names or music styles...
clovis: a mix between reggae and dream goth. Oh my god but it sounds like... Massive Attack!

9.Do music blogs really influence people's choices? What is they key behind the success of a blog like yours?
guillaume : blogs can be trusted when they're managed by passionate people who don't earn a living by selling music advertisement. we always refused to have advertisement on our blog... i think the key is to have some accurate contributors and let them post whatever they want to share...
clovis: friendship is the key.

10.What would you advise someone who want to start a label like yours.
guillaume : don't do it, it's a total mistake.
clovis: sign for a paypal account.

11. We will read very carefully and we will search for your top 5 of:

a) all time favorite albums
Velvet Underground - White Light/ White Heat
The Kinks - Arthur
New Order - Power, Corruption and lies
The Smiths - Meat is Murder
Can - Futur Days
Nino Rota - Casanova

b) albums of 2008
Portishead "3"
Gang Gang Dance " Saint Dymphna"
Mr Oizo " Lambs Anger"
MGMT "Oracular spectacular"
Evgeny Masloboev & Anastasia Masloboeva "Russians folksongs in the key of rythm"

c) record that you play the last month and keep the people going
Dj Medhi "Pocket piano (Joakim remix)"
Housemeister "What u want (Siriusmo mix)"
LCD Sound System "45:33 (Pilooski mix)"
Soundstream "Rainmaker"
Roman IV "Neues testament"

5 names to keep an eye for 2009.
Siriusmo / Breakbot / Discodeine / Invisible Conga People / La Horse

12.Is disco back on the top and is it gonna last? next trend?
guillaume : isco has never disapeard, there's just too many boring disco edits now and the nu disco thing sounds too clean to us. so i guess only the best will remain, people like dj harvey who doesn't follow any trend. speaking about trends, i have a strong feeling for nu zouk... african trousers will be hot in 2010, get ready.
clovis: French psychedelism

13. name 3 people that are setting the trends in European indie music scene
MICKEY MOONLIGHT / MIDNIGHT MIKE : he's a great producer / singer / dj / party promoter / video director.
JOAKIM (as usual) great dj and incredibly gifted musician
KOKO VON NAPOO : charming parisian girl band (with one boy at the bass). great songs somewhere between tv personnalities and fiery furnaces.

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