
Lykke Li interview

Η Lykke Li είναι μια από τις μεγάλες ελπίδες για το μουσικό 2008. Μας την πρότεινε ο φίλος μας ο Αχαρναϊκός, ο οποίος δηλώνει ερωτευμένος μαζί της. Η Lykke μας μίλησε με αφορμή το έξοχο ντεμπούτο της, Youth Novels.

Every blog I've read says that Lykke Li is gonna be HUGE in 2008. How does it feel?

Weird… I try not to pay too much attention to it.

You are from Sweden, but you live in New York. I read that you live in NYC because Madonna did the same thing. Is this true?

I’ve only lived in NY a few months, I live in Stockholm at the moment but Madonna was an inspiration for sure.

What does Madonna's carrear mean for you? What is your favourite period of her music/life?

She ment a lot to me growing up cause she was the first artist I listened to, and her early years are my favorite… Nowadays I’ve moved on but I still love watching “In bed with Madonna”.

The title of your beautiful debut album is “Youth Novels”: what does it mean?

It means exactly what it says, novels about my youth, and there all true!

The album is pop in it's best sense: it is not a pop album, there are so many instruments and different styles. So, what is pop music for you?

Pop music is a mixture of genres and a hint of what is happening among the kids at that specific time.

I have read that because of your parents, you have been around the world. Since in your album, you are using many strange instruments, can we say that your travels have affected your art?

Yes it’s definitely made me more open to different instruments.

From the guitar in “Trumpet in my head” to the eastern “Melodies and Desires” to the piano in “Time Flies”, the songs on the album are very different. Is this album a collection of songs or did you plan it as a whole picture?

I planned it as a whole piece but since I’m kinda schizophrenic it still turned out be very different and eclectic.

Apart from “Little Bit”, “Complaint Department” and “Breaking It Up”, the rest of Youth Novels is low-key. Was this a choise you and Bjorn (your producer) made?

Mostly me, I’m such a sucker for melancholic sparse music.

Top5 albums/artists that affected you while preparing the album.

Shangri Las, Dr John, Nina Simone, Fela Kuti, Fugees.

You have a great single, “Little Bit”, a perfect pop song that everybody is saying is this year's “Young Folks”. Tell me a little bit about this song.

I wrote it while suffering from a broken heart and I guess a lot of people can relate to that.

Since you know Bjorn, what is he up to now? Is he preparing a new Peter, Bjorn and John album?

He’s always working on masterpieces, all I have to say is to watch out.

Your lyrics sound like poems. Do you start out to write a song or a poem?

With my own work I really don’t see a difference, it’s mixture between a poem and a song.

Tour lyrics make me drop any defences: I mean, you are so young but some of your words sound, you know, like JUNO. Did you see the movie?

I did and its really fun that you mention that movie cause I friend just told me she reminded her of me. But I don’t know if I should take it as a compliment.

What is your song that expresses you the most?

Hanging High or Time Flies.

Do you think that with Robyn and Peter, Bjorn and John and the rest of the swedish bands's success in the USA, it will be easier for your music to be heard in the USA?

I like to think that good music will be heard despite the origin but I guess it has opened some doors.

I also hear that you are a dancer, too. What else should we know about you, then?

Too much to mention, I have a new plan and dream everyday.

Top5 favourite albums ever.

Velvet Underground and Nico

Shangri-Las- Myrmidons of Melodrama

Anything with Nina Simone

Kate Bush- The kick inside

Jeff Buckley-Grace

Biggest dream.

To look back at my life feeling surprisingly happy and proud.

Which are the most interesting musicians and artists in general that you've met in New York?

All the non famous lunatics you meet on the streets.

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