
Adam Ficek (Babyshambles / Roses King Castles) interview

Most listeners in Greece are not familiar with Roses King Castles.

It's a project I created to air my songs that weren't getting used by Babyshambles.

Everyone in Babyshambles is going solo. Do you think that effects the relationship in the band?
Not everyone, just me and Peter I think have releases. I think it does effect the band in certain ways yes. I think it's a case of we either do solo projects or we don't. Some bands don't, some do.

You toured Europe with R.K.C what the reaction you got from the crowd?
Ive been lucky enough to get a great response form the crowds I play, especially as it's very accoustic and stripped back. Sometimes I get put on after bands, which is a real struggle.

Your new album “Suburban TimeBombs” is out in few months. Is it at all different from the previous one?
It's slightly bigger in production than the previous album, it was produced @ Urchin studios and Stephen Street lent his ears to various parts of the recording process.

Are you going to play any of the festivals this summer?
Not sure yet. probably as Babyshambles, If you don't have a major backing you, it's rare to get festival slots as it's all run by the big ££ boys.

How hard is it to tour with 2 bands and DJ at the same time?
It's quite difficult when things are moving in Babyshambles but it's quite relaxed in the band. Unfortunatley Drew or myself don't get publishing, so we have to keep other elements moving when we're not touring. Rents to pay, families to keep etc etc In a band, the two sources of income are live and publishing.

Pete Townsend recently said he might stop touring because he suffers from tunnitus, like you do. What effects does this have on your performance?
I have grown used to it, it does effect me after dj sets normally. It won't stop me form playing though.

Were you nervous before the gig with Roger Daltrey? Did you stop and think “this guy was playing with Keith Moon”?
Not really, Keith Moon was amazing but I played his parts how I play.

When can we expect a new Babyshambles album? and who is going to pruduce it? I've heard 5-6 new song in your gig at Proud Galleries.
Probably starting to record it later in the year, producer wise, i would love Stephen Street to produce it. Without him you wouldn't have the previous two releases.

Stephen Street found it hard to work with Pete on the Shotters Nation album. How hard is to work Pete?
It can be a challenge, it can be a breeze.

What's the weirdest thing you've had thrown on stage?
A young goat.

I saw you checking out The Soft Pack at Nme Awards Gig . Did you like them? Any new bands you can recommend?
Ya, I love the soft pack, chapel club (although they make me smile), the cheek, not really much I've heard that excites me to be honest.

Can you name 5 songs you always use in your Dj set?
Franz Ferdinand - Take me out (Ficek Edit)
Intergalactic Betty (Ficek Mashup)
Song2army - blur/white stripes (Ficek Mashup)
Kasabian - fire (ficek edit)
get your rocks satisfied - (ficek mashup) - primal scream/rolling stones

Have you ever been to Greece?
on holiday, but would love to play there.

Next RKC single 'One Born Every Minute' from 2nd album 'Suburban Timebomb' was released on May 5th.

Interview: Nick Sarikakis

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