
Max Tundra interview

Max Tundra is back in Athens and today he'll show his dance-weird-fun show @ Bios. Be there, the guy is pure likekable dun.

As in such cases, we asked, he answered.

How was the tour with Girltalk? You must have some insane stories to tell, touring with that beast of a man.
He's actually pretty mellow and sweet, despite his onstage party exploded persona. We hung out backstage and talked about music and travel.

What did you think of this tour when you signed up for it and did it turn out the way you expected?
To be honest I wasn't sure how well my weirdo music would go down with "the kids" but they seemed to thoroughly dig it. There was a crowdsurfer or two most nights.

How did you find the USA crowds different from the European crowds?
More of a diverse mixture of age, sexuality and race at the shows. Some of the most enthusiastic, positive audiences I've ever experienced.

What do you remember from your last visit in Athens?
Eating some of the most delicious food ever, whilst inhaling tear-gas fumes from a nearby riot.

What are we to expect from your show tonight?
The usual silliness.

Best new music of 2011 so far.
George & Jonathan.

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