
Interpol - Interpol

After their 3 year stunt with Capitol and Parlophone, Interpol chose to move back to Matador, for their new, self-titled album, which is out this September 7th.

Very mixed impressions about this album from all over. If you aren't a long-time Interpol fan, I doubt if this record can make you believe they were once on the road to rock stardom. A band that has made a name out of it's epic-sounding, dark-themed music, seems to be pushing it too much towards this direction, without real cause anymore. Take first single "Lights", it is just a weak song, with the production not helping at all. Same goes for other songs. It seems that they were going for sth new in the sound, but didn't decide to make the big step and crossover. "Always Malaise: The Man I Am" is the perfect example: ideas put together but not blending.
Not what I expected, this album.

You can stream the album now here

1 comment:

yourmusicride said...

δώσε του χρόνο, μπορεί και να σ' αρέσει. αλλά οπωσδήποτε όχι αυτό που περιμέναμε από Interpol...