
Baths - Cerulean

Been thinking about the album that has stayed in my head most these last few months. Baths' "Cerulean" is the one. It has the effect that the first Ratatat or Fourtet had on me, back in the day.
It is not the most innovative sound in the history of music, but it is one that haunts you. Samples twisted and turned into mellow, experimental elentronica. In my vocabulary, this is what you call bedroom dance electronica. So, romantic (like it wouldn't be. check the lyrics and sound of Plea, below). All due to one Will Wiesenfeld, aged 21 from L.A. and a buddy of Daedalus and co.

Cerulean is out on Anticon and it is one album you should be looking for.


love, this is a dark world
and i've lost focus
please tell me you need me

boy, you are every color
how am i visible
please tell me you need me

you can taste your future
but i've lost focus
please tell me you need me

love, you know i've given up
cause we're still not valid
please tell me you need me

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