
Man or Astroman? are back at it! Hell yeah!

i don't think i've mentioned this one, but this is one reason this holy year 2010 is so worth living.
Man or Astroman? are back at it again. For you, beloved reader, who might not be well into this band, here's the deal: they are not men, they are astromen. They are alien, but they have managed to lived between us for years now.

They were so awesome, I have spent a few of my very needed food-money on their records back in the 90s (hey Touch & Go guys, maybe you should send a gift this way).
Anyway, they are touring the US and I'm praying to the Allmighty (i.e. Diego Maradona) that I get to see them live in my time zone.

get this: the band re-formed because Jason Noble was diagnosed with cancer and the band wanted to do sth that would actually matter to him. Outmost respect to the Astromen.

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