M.I.A. has a way with controversy (be it her uber-kitsh clothing or her over-the-top actions), so her music is never judged on it's own. The album sounds more than her past efforts: it's got all these production wizards (Blaqstarr, Diplo, Switch, Rusko and Derek Miller of Sleigh Bells) that every song is a different story. You got industrial samples fucked up to dance extents, you've got space-pop meets hiphop in the way of will.i.am (Teqkilla), you've got pure dance-pop (xxxo), you've got the "typical M.I.A" song (Story To Be Told), you got the game-boy plus fadethefuckway stuff (It Takes A Muscle) and you've got the lyrics, as always. Sounds interesting and more accesible than the other stuff, but as in all of her work, time tells all. One needs to listen to the album over and over again, just to form an opinion.
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On behalf of XL Recordings and M.I.A, many thanks for plugging "Maya" on
your site (Street date 12th July) ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the
artist and label for not posting any pirate links to unreleased (studio)
material and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview
tracks, then full length versions of Stepping Up and the remix of XXXO
featuring Jay Z are available via the artist’s MySpace ... .. for further
details of the new album, on-line promotions, videos and 2010 shows,
check-out the official site at www.miauk.com, as well as the artist's
MySpace at www.myspace.com/mia and YouTube channel at
www.youtube.com/user/MIAVEVO ... .. and keep an eye on these official
sources for details of further news, preview material and on-line
Also and as a goodwill gesture to fans and bloggers, an exclusive preview
stream of the full album is currently available via M.I.A’s MySpace and,
similarly, a widget for the album stream shall also shortly be available
from the artist’s official site ... this is for hyper-linking ONLY and for
streaming by fans via the artist’s site and MySpace, so please reciprocate
this goodwill gesture by NOT ripping and re-posting these files.
With Thanks & Regards,
haha "WEBSHERIFF" fuck your intellectual property bullshit. if M.I.A.'s music is so good, then the people that are going to buy it are going to buy it. whether it does good or not does not depend on if a blog posts the album
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