
Wavves - King of the Beach

After "Wavves" and "Wavvves", you know what I expected their 3rd album to be named, right? Bummer then, it's called "King of The Beach".

It's fun, fuzzy, pop as fuck, fresh-old (yes, I made this up, but it's great and you can use it, too), it has the 60s samples, the surf rock vibe, the simplicity of the lyrics, the production with the sounds from the back of the room (this mean spacious, ok?), it's amateurlike, it's everything you want to love in an album, oh you indie (not) pricks. And you can buy the vinyl for just 10 $ here, you cheap never paying fucks.

Good album.

"King of The Beach" is coming out this August 3rd on Fat Possum.

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