
Scissor Sisters - Night Work

Scissor Sisters are finally back with their 3rd album, "Night Work", 4 full years after "Ta-Dah". They have brought in Stuart Price to produce, which is obvious in at least the later half of the album, with his famous pop, clear, anthemic beats, like in song "Sex and Violence".

"Night Work" is 2010 NYC pop. There is no one particular direction in the sound, the songs are different shades of good pop (Bowie, Pink Floyd, Pet Shop Boys and so on). It sounds 80s, then 00s, then 90s, then whatever. The band is after feelings, so each song goes for one particular feeling. The lyrics are all about looking for sex in the city, nights out, life that hides from day and shines in night, gay and camp attitude.

I call this an uneven album, though it is obvious that the band has put effort and the production is well-crafted, too. It just sounds like songs put together in an album.

The album is out on Universal Records this June 28th.

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