
Recoil + Itenef live @ Fuzz Club, 11.04.2010 (pics)

Alan Wilder's Recoil played the Fuzz Club in Athens last night. Ok, the place was plain wrong (I told you so), as it is vast for an experimental name like this. Bios would have been better, as it attracts it's own non-music fan crowd, with a much more cheap ticket, though. Anyway, the greek crowd proved once again it doesn't care for music. Fail.

The reunited and reformed Itenef were an appropriate opening act for this event, dark and minimal electro in style, they played a 40minutes set starting at 21:35 as scheduled. Recoil (in the form of Alan Wilder along with Paul Kendall) appeared on stage at exactly 22:30, in front of cinema-sized visuals and reinstantiated the "soundtrack" of a 75minutes movie: dark atmosphere and excellent sound quality.

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