
Piano Magic, Kwoon, Misuse live at Fuzz Club (photos, review)

The show started at 9 (as scheduled) with Misuse playing a half hour set which included their "hit" track and ended with a more Ulver-ish track than usual. By that time, the venue was already crowded but certainly not full.

Kwoon were mostly dreamy and ethereal in a typical post-rock style, but with some noisy outbursts, especially in the end of their 60-minute set.

Piano magic
have earned a great reputation (with their previous live gigs in Athens) which they reconfirmed on a large stage this time. Glen Johnson dedicated their second song to the lately deceased Alex Chilton. He certainly had his way of saying things in between songs or maybe it is just the typical UK style, in any case it was a suitable contradiction to the dark texture of the songs. "(Music won't save you from anything but) silence" was their last track until they reappeared on stage for a pre-programmed 2-track encore, but despite the fact of being tired they finished their 80-minute set with a cover version of a Dead Can Dance song.

Words: Kostas Sfinarolis / Photos : Michel Gandy

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