
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis

"Option Paralysis", new, fourth album by clinical, technical metal masters Dillinger Escape Plan. I'll start this differently that usual: everybody says this album is great. Ratings are above 9/10 everywhere.

I think the case with DEP is always how fast, clinical, difficult, whatever adjective they can play. They go forth in this one, too. Fierce as always. Put that aside: they have songs too. And good songs. This album is all about that: if it weren't for the extreme speed (that is only a fraction of the album), you'd say it is some Wolfmother side project. Or Blood Brothers. You get it.

I think that if you're a teen these days, this is a great album to become a fan of. If you are elder than a teen, reed the 9/10s (since you trust magazines that tend to like elder (and bored) writers).

Option Paralysis will be out March 23rd on their own Party Smasher Inc Records

Listen to the album here

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